Mans Judgement Vs. God's Judgement
Shmuel Hanavi was given the task to anoint a new king over Israel after Shaul had sinned. He was told to anoint one of Yishai's children. Shmuel, the great seer, possibly the greatest prophet since Moshe Rabeinu, sees Eliav and looks into his soul and pronounces "You are worthy to be king over Israel"....God responds "Ha'adam Yireh La'eynaim Ve'Hashem Yireh Lalevav" -man sees only the eyes but god sees the hear" and Eliav is not worthy to be king. Shmuel was the "Chozeh" the person that everybody went to with their personal problems he was the nations therapist and comforter, the nations eyes, ears, conscience. He would see into ones soul and be able to tell that person how to live their life. However even Shmuel compared to God cannot see past a persons eyes into his soul.
Let us try to remember that only "Hashem Yireh Lalevav"
Let us try to remember that only "Hashem Yireh Lalevav"
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