Charactar of the Tribes Shimon and Levi
Shimon was not mentioned in the Brachos of Parashat "Vezot Habracha". One of the reasons given is that Shimon did not receive a Nachala in Israel as the other tribes did but rather got disparate cities within the chelek of Yehuda.
Rashi mentions that Shevet Shimon were scribes and would travel around teaching Torah to the people. Shevet Levi also did not have a Nachala and also traveled the land and farms collecting Terumos and Ma'asros.
In Yaakov Avinu's Brachot he mentions Shimon and Levi as brothers in arms who do not deserve a Nachala in Eretz Yisroel because of their aggressiveness in dealing with Shechem when the Shecemites took their sister Dina prisoner.
If Shimon and Levi had negative character traits to the extent that because of those traits they were not allowed an inheritance in the land of Israel it seems strange that they specifically became the two tribes that were asked to disseminate the word of God throughout the land.
Rabbi Yaakov Kaminetsky explains that what Shimon and Levi did to Shechem was in fact a very noble deed. They were the only brothers that took matters into their hands to save their sister. None of the other tribes did anything to save Dina. Yaakov Avinu was upset over their over-aggressive style in dealing with the problem but recognized them for their noble character traits. What was needed was a way to inculcate the other tribes with Shimon and Levi's better character and empathy on one hand but shield them from Shimon and Levi's ability to strong arm others.
This was accomplished by, on one hand, not allowing Shimon and Levi to have a distinct inheritance. Without land their power is severely diminished, but on the other hand having them travel the land lecturing Israel would allow them to influence others to become more empathetic.
Rashi mentions that Shevet Shimon were scribes and would travel around teaching Torah to the people. Shevet Levi also did not have a Nachala and also traveled the land and farms collecting Terumos and Ma'asros.
In Yaakov Avinu's Brachot he mentions Shimon and Levi as brothers in arms who do not deserve a Nachala in Eretz Yisroel because of their aggressiveness in dealing with Shechem when the Shecemites took their sister Dina prisoner.
If Shimon and Levi had negative character traits to the extent that because of those traits they were not allowed an inheritance in the land of Israel it seems strange that they specifically became the two tribes that were asked to disseminate the word of God throughout the land.
Rabbi Yaakov Kaminetsky explains that what Shimon and Levi did to Shechem was in fact a very noble deed. They were the only brothers that took matters into their hands to save their sister. None of the other tribes did anything to save Dina. Yaakov Avinu was upset over their over-aggressive style in dealing with the problem but recognized them for their noble character traits. What was needed was a way to inculcate the other tribes with Shimon and Levi's better character and empathy on one hand but shield them from Shimon and Levi's ability to strong arm others.
This was accomplished by, on one hand, not allowing Shimon and Levi to have a distinct inheritance. Without land their power is severely diminished, but on the other hand having them travel the land lecturing Israel would allow them to influence others to become more empathetic.