Thursday, May 31, 2012


I always wondered how bitachon and hishtadlus interacted. It is obvious that if one does not do hishtadlus he will not receive his due. On the other hand classical bitachon has us believe that hishtadlus is basically a facade or a mitzva. What you are supposed to get, you will get. If you have bitachon you will surely get what you deserve. Why then do you not get what you deserve if you don't do hishtadlus? is it the punishment for not doing the mitzvah of hishtadlus?

I heard that R' Aharon Kotler explained the Gemara that Bas Pharoeh "Vatishlach es Amasah" she stretched out her hand, as the pasuk states, the Gemara goes on to say "Neshtarbevah Yada" that her hand extended to the point where she was able to pluck Moses from the river. R' Kotler asks, why then did she have to even stretch her hand out if the extention was needed? He explains that the nes was only initiated at the point where her "hishtadlus" ended. So for example, if Moses was 11 feet from her and her hand was one foot long, the miracle that was embedded in the teva was a 10 foot miracle so if she would not have stretched out her hand she would still be 1 foot short even with the miracle being performed.

Hishtadlus can be looked upon the same way. The teva of this world is all taken into consideration when God executes his master plan. Therefore, if you don't do your hishtadlus you will fall short even with bitachon because the bitachon already takes the hishtadlus into account.


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