Lo Lachacahmim Lechem
The standard typical take on this pasuk is that wise men don't necessarily become people of means. We have all heard different variations on this theme before. I would like to propose a new perspective. God has imbued all of us with talents that help us get by and make a living in this world. God has meant us to use our god given talents for those means. As we see, people of unusual athletic abilities are able to parlay those abilities into monumental amounts of money playing professional sports. Some people have a great innate ability to win other people's confidence or can convince others easily, these people make a living selling. We all have a talent that should be used for practical purposes. However, some of us have as our dominant talent our brain. Yes the sechel is what overshadows all our other talents (if we have any other talents) for those people the assumption is that they must use their brain to make a living. And they do, but they will probably be very low on the food chain of the ability to parlay that into making a living. The sechel is really much greater than that and using it for such a mundane purpose is almost a chillul of the tselem elokim but what can man do he must not starve to death. But have no worry even if he figures out how to make a living using his brain it won't get him to far in that arena as he is using something that is not really created for that purpose but he is utilizing it as an "off label use" that is not a recipe for major success. Let him pray that it at least gets him through the day
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