Avodah Zara and Purim
Rov bonov - koach holada and rov ushro these are what gives him power in olam hazeh-- kol zeh eino shaveh li because kidush hashem is mevatel koach of avodah zara in the world. That is why bais haman was given to mordechai because he usurped the koach of amalek in this world and took it back. Yad al kes kah- gods koach (kaviyachol) in this world is weakened by amalek for they by force of avodah zara take over olam hazeh and our job is to restore gods power in olam hazeh through kidush hashem. Vodah zara by the way is the opposite of what the neviim say she'hem medamim tsurah liyotzra, they are midameh yotzra lletsura and take gods power over and serve man by CHOOSING their god that is giving the ultimate power to man. Haman was the source of power of Achasveirosh in that his avodah zaragave him the ability to be molech be'kipa.
The two previous kings thatwere molech bekipa also recognized that the secret to their power was to keep god out of the world through avodah zara, nimrod was molech bekipa and was only ultimately taken down by avraham making a public kidush hashem not subjugating himself to Nimrod and was thrown into kivshan ha'esh, the next was nevuchadnetzar who also was molech bekipa and was uaurped by Chanania Mishoel and Azaria throught he same process as Avraham. That is why the Rambam in H Melachim brings them down as the ultimmate mikadshei shem shamayim. Next was Achashverosh/Haman alliance which was brought down in the same fashion by Mordechai. That is why they hanged the dead sons of Haman just like the oppisite is true that one cannot hang a regular person for he is a tselem elokim and as it says "killelas elokim talui" for that is an essential chilul hashem because man represents god in this world. However the man that represents the opposite of god in this world - amalek- the essense of avodah zara gets hanged which is the biggest kidush hashem.
Interestingly both nevuchadnetzar and nimrod were brought down in bika'as Dura. Nimrod tried to build the Migdal Bavel (ve'nash lanu shem) to overthrow god's rule by triumphing the power of humanity and so too was the story of Chaninia mishael and azaria.
The two previous kings thatwere molech bekipa also recognized that the secret to their power was to keep god out of the world through avodah zara, nimrod was molech bekipa and was only ultimately taken down by avraham making a public kidush hashem not subjugating himself to Nimrod and was thrown into kivshan ha'esh, the next was nevuchadnetzar who also was molech bekipa and was uaurped by Chanania Mishoel and Azaria throught he same process as Avraham. That is why the Rambam in H Melachim brings them down as the ultimmate mikadshei shem shamayim. Next was Achashverosh/Haman alliance which was brought down in the same fashion by Mordechai. That is why they hanged the dead sons of Haman just like the oppisite is true that one cannot hang a regular person for he is a tselem elokim and as it says "killelas elokim talui" for that is an essential chilul hashem because man represents god in this world. However the man that represents the opposite of god in this world - amalek- the essense of avodah zara gets hanged which is the biggest kidush hashem.
Interestingly both nevuchadnetzar and nimrod were brought down in bika'as Dura. Nimrod tried to build the Migdal Bavel (ve'nash lanu shem) to overthrow god's rule by triumphing the power of humanity and so too was the story of Chaninia mishael and azaria.
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