The secret to Have God Accept One's Prayer
Retzon yereiav ya'aseh ve'et shavatam yishma v'eyosheam. you need to show that you really believe in to whom you are praying. Praying without full faith is not worth much. You show faith by showing that you are a "Yareh". If you minimize small Mitzvohs then you are a faker because you are praying to the deity that commanded you to do those things. The proof in your faith in God and thereby your faith in Him listening to your prayers is in how well you observe his commandments. Therefore pray away but if you want Him to do what you ask show him faith by observing ALL his commandments. That is Retzon Yeraiav Ya'aseh-he will do the will of those that fear him. And then Ve'et Shavatam Yishma Ve'Yosheam because then the prayer is real