Friday, January 22, 2021

Freedom of Choice, The Impetus for Creation

 The Gemara in Menachos says as follows:

כדדרש ר' יהודה בר ר' אילעאי אלו שני עולמות שברא הקב''ה אחד בה''י ואחד ביו''ד ואיני יודע אם העולם הבא ביו''ד והעולם הזה בה''י אם העולם הזה ביו''ד והעולם הבא בה''י כשהוא אומר {בראשית ב-ד} אלה תולדות השמים והארץ בהבראם אל תקרי בהבראם אלא בה''י בראם [הוי אומר העולם הזה בה''י והעולם הבא ביו''ד] ומפני מה נברא העולם הזה בה''י מפני שדומה לאכסדרה שכל הרוצה לצאת יצא

Rashi says on  כל הרוצה לצאת יצא:

שכל הרוצה לצאת. ממנו לתרבות רעה יוצא

This world was created in such a fashion that anyone can rebel and go his own way against God. This sounds reasonable on the surface. However, the Gemara is obviously saying much more than that. The Gemara says מפני מה נברא העולם הזה בה''י. The Gemara doesn't say that there is free will that anybody can do what they want. The Gemara says that the world was created with the letter ה. Meaning that it is not an one of the aspects of the world or one of the dimensions of existance but rather the how, why, what, and where the world was created. This concepts is the most inherent part of creation to the extent that the letter  ה which is mostly defined by the ability to escape was the one letter chosen to create the world. 

The Gemara is saying that the MOST fundamental concept of creation the raison' d'etre for creation was to create a space that כל הרוצה לצאת יצא. It would not be possible to have a world without free will. The founding fathers of the United States got it right when they stated that the two most fundamental rights are life and liberty. Liberty is as fundamental as life itself. Life without liberty is not life. An animal has life without liberty. 

We, as a society, are obligated to follow God's ways. Any law that society creates that impedes another's liberty is a fundamental sin. Understandably a society cannot function without basic laws in place, mostly laws that don't allow people to impede other's liberties. However, the perspective must be that  all man made laws imposing on others usually by government are necessary evils. The more we allow for free will the more Godly we are as a society. Hence historically the most free societies were the most Godly ones and the least free societies have always been the least Godly ones. (not religious but Godly)

Every law, every imposition, every mandate, decree, and ordinance fostered on others moves us, as a society, further from Godliness. To serve God the way he wants us to serve him we must allow for absolute freedom of choice just as He left us. 


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