Thursday, November 14, 2019

Kohanim Zerizim

Once one goes through a lot of the places in the Gemara where it mentions כהנים זריזים
It becomes pretty obvious that it doesn't only mean Zariz as in nimble, swift, or prompt. It really means that they are functional as in not dysfuntional. They run a well organized operation. For example in the Gemara in Tamid Nishchat in Pesachim 59b It says that with Kohanim the Chachamim did not have to worry that the Kohanim will mistakenly be Maktir a karban that was on the mizbeach over night which couldn't be burnt till the morning because כהנים זריזים
the indication is that they don't make organizational mistakes. It is somewhat like the chapter of Zrizus in the sefer מסילת ישרים where the מסילת ישרים defines the concept of zerizus in avodas hashem as being productive. Obviously a lot of it is focused on not being lazy but ultimately not being lazy is not enough as they say in business "Work Smarter not Harder". When there are processes in place in an organization that don't allow for mistakes to happen the organization runs much more smoothly. The same can be said for an individual, if that individual puts processes in place that don't allow him to be lazy or make mistakes he will become much more productive. However, setting up the processes and following the protocols takes work but can make the job ultimately much easier. The Kohanim, it seems from the Gemara, were experts at that.


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