Friday, September 21, 2018

Stealing from a gentile

There is a well known מחלוקת in the גמרא in  בב bava kama if gezel akum is asur or mutar. How is it possible that Gezel Akum should be mutar? Does the Torah really allow Jews to steal from gentiles? Many have been bothered by this problem to the point where they feel that the Torah is immoraly favoring Jews. How could the Torah allow such a blatant disregard of basic humanity, they ask. The truth of the matter is that the Torah is not at all advocating stealing from anybody. The Torah is simply (among other things) a divine  book of laws that was given to a certain community. These laws, for the most part. regulate, inter-community relations. These laws have nothing to do with external relations that are typically regulated by the civil laws of the land. Moreso, if the Torah did in fact forbid a Jew from stealing from a non-Jew the law would  be asymmetrical. How one legislate a certain behavior to one party in a transaction without binding the other party. Jews have to listen to the Torah so if the Torah cannot forbid a gentile to steal from a Jew it is only fair that the Torah would not forbid a Je w to steal from a gentile. Obviously there are other sets of laws that constrict the way a Jew would deal with a gentile just as the laws between gentiles.
Proof to this concept are  the laws of Shomrim. If a gentile deposits an item of property to Jewish possession to guard, the Jew is not obligated to pay for any damage that may befall that item even if the watcher was negligent. This again, is because gentiles are not discussed at all in the parasha of Shomrim

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Giving Charity with an Ulterior Motive

The gemara says the if one gives צדקה so that his son will live or that he merits reward in the next world he is considered a צדיק גמור. The gemara in כתובות tells a story of the daughter of Nakdimon ben Gurion, who was one of the richest people in Jerusalem but after the destruction of Jerusalem this girl was seen picking barley seeds from animal excrement due to her hunger and poverty. Raban Yochanan ben Zakai asked her "what happened to all your fathers riches"? To which she answered "It was all lost because father did not give charity". The gemara asks that we know that her father did give charity? The gemara answers that although he gavecharity, he gave charity to acquire honor and not for its own sake. The Maharsha expounds that this gemara is teaching us that if one gives charity to get honored he gets punished for it. This seems like a direct contradiction to the earlier gemara that states that one MAY give charity with an ulterior motive. The answer is that yes, one may give charity with an ulterior motive, however, when one gives charity to get back honor then he is not giving charity. He is transacting. He is purchasing something
 When the wealthy man goes to the grocer and purchases potatoes he is not giving charity to the grocer with an ulterior motive to get potatoes, he is sply purchasing potatoes. When the wealthy man gives charity for honor he is going to the Rosh Yeshiva and effectively saying " I have a surplus of money but need honor, you gave a surplus of honor but need money, let transact. That is not charity with an ulterior motive and that was Nakdimon ben Gurion's issue. He didnt give charity but was a purchaser of "Kovod"

Israel and Torah

Many ask, how is it that God destined the return of Israel to the Jewish people through such unholy hands. We, as a people have been praying for the return of our land to its rightful place for two thousand years, and, now it is being returned to us but the medium for the return were the old secular Zio ISIS who were typically anti-religous, bundists, communists, etc... One would imagine that God would bring the holy land back to  עם ישראל through Tzaddikim. I dont have an answer and we all know that God works in mysterious ways. Truthfully it's not even a legitimate question. Gods ways are always mysterious. However, it answered another question that was bothering me. Torah is so great and such an integral part of us, how and why are the learners of torah (the chareidim), generally speaking, not upholding the torah itself
 Why and how does God let such a chillul hashem happen that for the most part, the learners of torah have become intentional beggars and living life not equal with torah values? I have come to the conclusion that, for whatever reason, God has brought Torah back to עם ישראל through the "chareidim" and we accept it and dont ask why but its definately not a question just as why ארץ ישראל was brought back to us through the Bundists. Bottom line it should not minimize ארץ ישראל or the תורה