Bil'am and God's Will
The Ramba"n in the beginning of Parshas Balak asks why God initially told Bila'm that he cannot go with Balak's messengers to Moav but then upon Bilam's further request God allowed him to go with the caveat that he bless not curse Am Yisrael and then when he finally went it says that God got angry with Bila'am. It seems that God has trouble making up his mind, or maybe something changes that we are not told about?
The Ramba'n discusses four possible answers to this dilema. The first is Rashi's, the next two are both the Ibn Ezra's and the fouth is the Ramban's own answer. I would like to focus upon the Ibn Ezra's second explanation. The words of the Ibn Ezra are hard to understand. However, the way the Ramban' understands the answer is that it was the same case as Bnei Yisrael with the Miraglim in Parshas Shlach. Initially God told the Bnei Yisrael "Alei Reish"-"Go Straight to the Land and chase out the current Residents" However Bnei Yisrael said that they want to send spies to see how/what etc.. The Ramb"an explains that the Ibn Ezra says that in both cases God had initially allowed his opinion to be know very straightforwardly and in both cases the parties did not want to accept God's approach. God, in both cases, said "NO" Thou shalt not go! But in both cases the parties that were receivers of the message were not happy with the answer. Therefore, both times, by the Miraglim and Bilaam the receivers asked again. Now it gets interesting. The Ibn Ezra, relying on the Midrash Tanchuma here that says
The Ramba'n discusses four possible answers to this dilema. The first is Rashi's, the next two are both the Ibn Ezra's and the fouth is the Ramban's own answer. I would like to focus upon the Ibn Ezra's second explanation. The words of the Ibn Ezra are hard to understand. However, the way the Ramban' understands the answer is that it was the same case as Bnei Yisrael with the Miraglim in Parshas Shlach. Initially God told the Bnei Yisrael "Alei Reish"-"Go Straight to the Land and chase out the current Residents" However Bnei Yisrael said that they want to send spies to see how/what etc.. The Ramb"an explains that the Ibn Ezra says that in both cases God had initially allowed his opinion to be know very straightforwardly and in both cases the parties did not want to accept God's approach. God, in both cases, said "NO" Thou shalt not go! But in both cases the parties that were receivers of the message were not happy with the answer. Therefore, both times, by the Miraglim and Bilaam the receivers asked again. Now it gets interesting. The Ibn Ezra, relying on the Midrash Tanchuma here that says
בדרך שאדם רוצה לילך בה מוליכים אותו
"God leads a person on the path that which he wishes to go" this is the essence of free will. However what is really a 'Chidush" here is that not only does God allow a person to go the way he wants to go but if that person wants to believe that God wants him to go down that path, God lets him. Many people will only do something if they believe that it is God's will. But they really want to do it anyway. God says ok "its my will" Furthermore God will even give a person prophesy to that effect if that is what he wants. If one wants to really know what God's will is, he only has to listen the first time to what God says. In both these cases, by the Miraglim and by Billaam God couldn't be more clear saying "NO" I don't want you to go. From there on it is free will. You don't want to listen, fine, don't listen. God asks, what do you want me to say? Do you want me to say that you should go? Ok I will tell you to go. Now you think its god talking, wrong, its you talking through God. That is free will.
בדרך שאדם רוצה לילך - בה מוליכים אותו
Free will is so strong and so free that you can literaly have anything you want. God gives man the ultimate liberty to do what he wants, to hear prophecy that he wants, to do whatever he needs to to fullfill his desire. However, God says if you want to listen to me then listen closely. Drop all subjectivity, all you own desires, get objective and listen closely to what I want and you will hear it. Otherwise everything you do is what YOU want.
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