Saturday, May 20, 2017

shcar in olam hazeh

Kli Yakar in Bechukosi brings 7 shitos in rishonim as to why there is no mention of Olam Habah in the Torah. There are another 2 reasons not brought down in the Kli Yakar.

1) The Shela"h says that becasue "Histakel Be'oraysa ubara Alma" The torah was given to Moshe Rabeinu to bring down to this world and reflects this world in every way. Since Olam Habah is Be'hester on this world it must be B'hester in the Torah also.

2) The Netziv in the beginning of Parshas Bechukosai says that it doesnt make sense that a goy does not have schar but rather schar is built in to the briah and a goy has that too what a goy does not have is the extra schar that the jew has as if the doctor was the persons father too so he cares if he follows directions rather than just stating the reward vs punishment as a matter of fact and that is the schar in olam hazeh that the jew has as opposed to the goy


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