Chametz and Matzah
The Seforim discuss the Chumra of Chametz and the concept of
Ba’al Yiraeh U’ba’al Yimutzeh and they say that Chametz represents the yetzer
Harah as the gemarah in Berachos says that the Yetzer Harah is called “SEHOR
SHEB’ISAH”. We really have to internalize the concept of making a cheshbon
hanefesh to rid ourselves of all vestiges of the yetzer harah.
Rabeinu Bechayah says that that’s the reason why you cannot
have chametz on the mizbe’ach because the Mizbe’ach is to bring a Karban when
we do an aveira because of the Yetzer harah and therefore the Mizbe’ach itself
of course cannot be tainted with Chametz. Rabeinu Bechaya goes so far in his
sefer Kad Hakemech to say that it’s the reason for Ba’al Yirah’eh AND Ba’al
Yimutzeh which symbolize even Machshava of an Aviera have to be removed from
our minds. And that is why there is a Chiyuv Kares for chametz because it
symbolizes the yetzer harah in us which must be destroyed.
What is Matzah. The Seforim also discuss the idea that
Matzah represents the mitzvohs. As Chazal say “Ushmartem es Hamatzos”
represents “Ushmartem es Hamitzvos”.
The question is if chametz is so dangerous to us and we have
to distance ourselves so far from it to the point where there is a Chiyuv Kares
for Ba’al Year’eh Uba’al Yimutzeh why would the Torah tell us to bake Matzos. Let
the Torah tell us to eat potatos or something else?? Could you imagine if there
was only a chiyuv Ba’al Yeraheh Uba’al Yimutzeh in the Torah but there was no
Chiyuv to eat Matzah what people would say if they saw you baking and eating
Matzah on Pesach???? What would the Briskers do? Would they not consider you a
sheigatz if you ate matzah which is essentially literally seconds away from
Chametz De’oraisah?
It seems obvious that the answer is that this is exactly
what the Torah wants us to do. It would be very easy to run away from Chametz
to the other side of the world and only eat vegetables on Pesach and seemingly
also easier to run away from the yetzer harah and stay far away from any semblance
of Olam Hazeh but the Torah is teaching us a way of life to be extremely Makpid
on chametz on one hand but to eat matzah on the other hand. We are being forced
to get as close to the border as possible without crossing the line. This
requires constant Shimur and that is pshat Ushmartem es Hamatzos. The torah
requires constant vigilance. We must live on the edge.
Chazal tell us Va’avadtem Bechal Levavcha- with both the Yetzer
Harah and the Yetzer Tov. Which means we have to turn the Yetzer Harah into a
tool for good, that is the symbol of the