Monday, July 02, 2012

Kaf Hakela - Purgatory

The Ramban (al hatorah) in chumash Vayikra discussing the aveira of Molech asks why the Torah says that one who transgresses this commandment is "Metamei es Mikdashi" and "Michalel shem Kodshi". Seemingly, the transgression of Molech is no more a chillul hashem than any other aveirah in its class (whether it be avodah zara or kishuf as the Talmud in Sanhedrin discusses). Furthermore what does Molech have to do with the Bais Hamikdash??? After many suggestions, one of which is that "Mikdashi" doesn't mean the Bais Hamikdash but rather Yisrael whore are called "Kdoshai" the Ramban says that it is reffering to one that would transgress the issur of Molech and then subsequently go to the Bais Hamikdash to bring a Karbon. (why molech and not any other avaira is beyond the scope of this discussion) That person is not only not doing a mitzvah because he is a transgressor but is "Metame the Mikdash" in that he jus transgressed one of the paramount issurim and has no right to now come and bring a karbon. Not only that but he is causing a Chillul Hashem because he is reducing the Bias Hamikdash to the level of Molech. This is what the Torah is saying that he is Metame the Mikdash and Mechalel Hashem

The Talmud Shabbos 153B? discusses Kaf Hakela (literally "the launching chamber in a slingshot") and says that the Rasha will be thrown by the Malachim from "One end of the world to the other and then back again" that this is the Onesh of Kaf Hakelah. The Maharal explains that, as we know, Schar and Onesh is not to be understood as it is popularly understood as reward or punishment for certain actions. Rather Schar and Onesh is a fundamental and literal eating of the cake we baked. How you lived in the physical world is how your soul will continue living in the spirtual realm when you are disacttached from your physical shell.

Kaf Hakelah is the "punishment" for the Rasha. A Rasha is a non disciplined individual (typically). A Tzaddik has discipline and lives his life on a straight path towards a goal. A Rasha yo-yo's between bad and good, extreme to extreme, ultimate (perceived) spiritual highs and total disregard of the spiritual, etc. The punishment is really a continuation of that non consistent non stable existence.

There is a strong similarity between the man that serves his child to "Molech" in the morning and goes to the Bais Hamikdash to be Makriv Karbonos in the afternoon and the Rasha being caught in the kaf hakela. That swing back and forth between the two extremes is more the problem than any extreme onto itself and is the cause for the Rasha's punishment.