Monday, October 10, 2011

Kemach and Torah

The Mishna in Avos in the third perek says "Im ein Kemach ein Torah". The Maharal in Derech Chaim explains that the mishna specifically uses Kemach as an example for sustenance because there is a basic question on the mishna. Chazal state in Sotah "Kol sheyesh lo pos b'esaloh ve'omer mah echol le'machar harai zeh mi'kitanei emunah"- One who has what to eat today and worries what he will eat tomorrow is considered one of limited belief in God. So why do we say that Im ein Kemach ein Torah? The Maharal explains that there is a fine balance, the mishna could have chosen to say "Im ein Lechem ein Torah" or for that matter "Im ein Chitim ein Torah" however the mishna chose to specifically use the term Kemach which is the in between stage. Chitim would be a longer term plan however one does not have to plan for such long term for if he does he would be considered Mikatnei Emunah on the other hand if it would state Lechem then one would assume that you don't have to plan ahead for more than a day or so and that is also not the case. One must make a normal balanced plan on how to sustain himself for the medium term and that is the condition precedent to having Torah

Chachma Vs. Ma'asim

The Mishna in Avos in the third perek states "If your Chachma is greater than your Ma'asim you are compared to a tree whose branches are too big for its roots but if your Ma'asim are greater than your Chachma it is like you have bigger roots and shorter branches. The Maharal does not understand  the analogy, with a tree, you are looking at a ratio, so there is a ratio of branch to root that will cause the tree to become unstable, however with Chachma and Ma'asim man needs enough Ma'asim ostensibly to anchor oneself by how does that compare to where you need a ratio.

The Maharal explains that the analogy is actually very precise. The more Chachma one possesses the more Ma'asim he needs to balance that Chachma. The Maharal equates this to the Chazal that say that Torah can be a "som Chaim" if one is zoche or a som Hamaves if one is not zoche. If ones Ma'asim are not enough per ratio to match one's Chachma then the Chachma will/can bring one down. So it is a ratio and the more Chachma one acquires the greater the onus is upon that individual to acquire a greater degree of Ma'asim. A continuous balance is what is needed so a great Chacham MUST per ratio work on geater Ma'asim