Yetzer Harah in Y'mos Hamashiach
I've heard that this has been stated before by R' Meir Simcha in Meshech Chachmo but haven't found it yet. Malachim are not vacuum cleaners in that we know that vacuum cleaners have no bchira but we don't make a big deal about the fact that my vacuum cleaner never once disobeyed my orders and blew out when I turned it on. The point is that we are always talking about how malachim always obey his will. This would only make sense if they had the ability to disobey. I believe that any spiritual being with "sechel" must have bchira. However, being in the presence of the lord doesn't allow them to disobey because they see how utterly ridiculous it would be. Just as we don't have bchira to jump into a fire. This would allow us to understand how we do find malachim disobeying from time to time. That is why the malachim were able to make a case for receiving the torah to which Moshe answered that without the desires and tests that humans have on this world it would be pointless.
That is the position we will be in b'Yimos Hamashiach" where it will be considered 'Yomim ahser ein bahem chefetz". There will be no yetzer hara like malachim have no yetzer hara but there will be no change in our makeup. we will still have the same intrinsic desires but our sechel will rule such as malachim today
The Maharal describes Yimos Hamashiach as analgesic to Eruv Tavshilin in that you can continue what you started but will not be able to begin a process. Those who have started working will be able to continue perfecting themselves but otherwise it is still considered "Yomim asher ein lahem chefetz" This can answer the contradiction in the Rambam in that he paskens like shmuel on one hand that Yimos Hamasheich are Yomim asher ein lahem chefetz but on the other hand he paskens that "Ein bein Yimos Hamashiach and today expect shiabud malchiyos even though the gemara says explicitely "Pligi a'd'shmuel.
The Maharal describes Yimos Hamashiach as analgesic to Eruv Tavshilin in that you can continue what you started but will not be able to begin a process. Those who have started working will be able to continue perfecting themselves but otherwise it is still considered "Yomim asher ein lahem chefetz" This can answer the contradiction in the Rambam in that he paskens like shmuel on one hand that Yimos Hamasheich are Yomim asher ein lahem chefetz but on the other hand he paskens that "Ein bein Yimos Hamashiach and today expect shiabud malchiyos even though the gemara says explicitely "Pligi a'd'shmuel.