Sunday, December 19, 2010

Women and Torah

A thought I had with regard to women learning Torah. There is a lot of discussion today about the concept of "Tiflus" and if it should restrict women from getting a Torah education and to what extent if any.

The Gemara in Ketuvot 28A (approximately) brings a meimrah from R' Yehoshua Ben Levi that you are not allowed to teach your Eved any Torah. I saw that at least some Poskim say that it is for the same reason that women are not allowed to learn Torah because it is considered Tiflus. I have not seen any other reason suggested. It seems that, at face value at least, the prohibition is even for men that are chayav in mitzvot like women even though they are not women. This would indicate a much more fundamental issur for women even today.


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