Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Yeshiva Comes Full Circle

I find it fascinating how the Yeshiva concept has come around full circle.

The Yeshiva concept was instituted by R' Chaim Volizhener. The historical backdrop and reasons for starting the Yeshiva are well documented. The state of the "Ben Torah" was at a low they did not have a means of making a living, they had to beg for bread. They wore tattered clothing and slept in the Shteibel. At the same time the University concept as we know it was taking off. If you were accepted into a reputable University you were automatically part of the upercrust of society. R' Chaim felt that there is no reason for a Ben Torah not to have the same reputation for that would be "Meromem Keren Hatorah". Therefore R' Chaim decided that he will build a University for Torah, he would do all the fund raising, the Ben Torah will be a schnorrer no more. Each Ben Torah would eat by a family that felt that it would be a zchus for them to host a Ben Torah and would not look down on him. R' Chaim would dress them so that when they walked on the street they would be better dressed than your average Baal Habus and ultimately Torah would start being seen for what it was- a great mench maker.

This was the raison d’être for the Yeshiva, nothing more and nothin less. How ironic is it that we have come full circle. The shlumpy yeshiva bochur schnorrer. White Shirt ha ha, lets break that down for a minute, we are not chasidish we have nothing invested in white shirts per se, it started because white shirts was the way that a respectable person dressed when they started doing it. Funny how the shlumpy white shirt became the official uniform of the Yeshiva which is supposed to be the institution that represents Torah and Bnei Torah

At the time that R' Chaim


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